5 Benefits of Blogging that Will Make your Business Boom

So, you have started a website for your business and want people to know about it without spending a ton of money? Blogs may be the key to make your business boom.

You must have often heard people speak highly of blogs. In an age where people are finding new ways on social media to share their thoughts, blogs are often neglected in their approach.

 If you need a little motivation, here are 5 benefits on why your business should be blogging.

 ''No one cares about your blog unless you are adding value to their lives in some way'' – Jonathan Milligan  

 1.     Search Engine Optimization

·      Maintaining a blog is a great way to get found in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. Search engines are fond of dynamic content, and dynamic content here means, websites that update content frequently.

·      So, blog gives you a seamless way to keep your website update on a regular basis. Moreover, if your blog keeps keyword of the work that your company does, that’s even better.

·      Every time you release a blog it will increase your chances of getting ‘’found’’ in the search engines by your customers. And, it will also increase the amount of ‘’leads’’ you acquire in the long-run

2.     Update your Customers

(Credit: Hubspot)

·      Blogs can have more practical purposes such as update your customers. For eg. If you are to launch a product, or put it on a sale.

·      If your business has a newsletter, you can integrate it with your blog and update customers about new product launches or change in pricing through the newsletters.

·      What’s more, you can use your article content each month and put it in newsletter. That gives you less time to worry about what to write in that newsletter

3.     Decrease Bounce Rate of Website

·      Are you imagining your website bouncing up and down? Well, that’s not exactly what ‘bounce rate’ is!

·      What it means is that people arrive at your website. But, they leave without clicking on any links or going further inside your website. They kind of ‘’bounce-off’’ your landing page to wherever they wanna go.

·      Now you certainly don’t want that to happen. By having blog posts you can write about the products that belong to your industry. Give existing customers something to read. And, turn potential leads into customers with attractive blog posts.

4.     Create Content for Social Media

·      Another way in which blogging makes your business boom is by creating a huge content value for Social Media Marketing.

·      Today, it is sort of compulsory for brands to have social media presence. And, the only thing that makes different in that area is content. Content can help you stand out from rest of the crowd.

·      By creating high-quality blog content and sharing it on social media platforms can help get more reach. The growing number of likes, shares, tweets, and retweets, will speak about your content. And, eventually bring customers to your site.

5.     Finally, … It’s all About the MONEY

·      Regular and consistent blogging allows you a chance to monetize. Believe this, everyone who is writing for business wants to make money at the end of the day. And, blogging gives you that chance.

·      In today’s economy, having different or additional sources of income can be very useful. Even if you are doing a job, or you want to carry on a side business, blogging gives you an opportunity to extra money.
